


Find out what to eat in Beijing. This Beijing food list has the top Beijing dishes and snacks and recommended restaurants and areas to find them in. With the exception of Beijing’s best-known culinary export, Peking duck, most of the city’s most famous dishes have been adopted from surrounding areas. Regardless of their origin, all of the following dishes are now fully ingrained in Beijing life and can be sampled at restaurants throughout the city. Enjoy! 1. Beijing Roast Duck Beijing roast duck, or Peking Duck, is  the epitome of Beijing cuisine  and the dish you must try when visiting Beijing. The dish is mostly esteemed for the thin, crispy skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly skin and little meat. While sauces and accompaniments will vary between restaurants (the most common being scallion and cucumber) it is difficult to go wrong with roast duck in Beijing. If you eat at one of Beijing’s more famous duck restaurants it will also be accompanied by
